
In order to build the source, you will have to download it. You can do so using git (or download it from here).

git clone -b stable

Note: The stable branch points to the latest stable version. You should always use a stable version in production code.

Using Windows

Visual Studio 2017 is recommended, then you can just open the source using File -> Open -> CMake.... You can use Visual Studio to compile the source and debug the code. Make sure you have the CMake and C/C++ features enabled.

Using Ubuntu

You will need CMake and either gcc or clang installed. On Ubuntu you can use the following to compile cwalk:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake
mkdir cwalk/build
cd cwalk/build
cmake ..

Using MacOS

You will need CMake and either gcc or clang installed. On MacOS you can use the following to compile cwalk:

brew install cmake gcc
mkdir cwalk/build
cd cwalk/build
cmake ..

Running Tests

In order to run tests, cwalk needs to be built with tests enabled. There is a ENABLE_TESTS flag for that. It can be passed to the cmake command like this:

cmake .. -DENABLE_TESTS=1

After building cwalk you can run tests to ensure everything is fine. In order to do that, make sure that you are in the build folder and then execute the test program:


That’s it!

You can even specify which tests to execute by optionally specifying the category and test name:

# ./cwalktest [category] [test]
./cwalktest normalize mixed