
(since v1.0.0)
Gets the basename of a file path.


void cwk_path_get_basename(const char *path, const char **basename,
  size_t *length);

This function gets the basename of a file path. The basename is the last segment of a path. For instance, logs is the basename of the path /var/logs. A pointer to the beginning of the basename will be returned through the basename parameter. This pointer will be positioned on the first letter after the separator. The length of the file path will be returned through the length parameter. The length will be set to zero and the basename to NULL if there is no basename available.



Path Basename
/my/path.txt path.txt
/my/path.txt/ path.txt
/my/path.txt//// path.txt
file_name file_name
.. ..
. .
/ ``
C:\path\test.txt test.txt


#include <cwalk.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  const char *basename;
  size_t length;

  cwk_path_get_basename("/my/path.txt", &basename, &length);
  printf("The basename is: '%.*s'", length, basename);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


The basename is: 'path.txt'


Version Description
v1.0.0 The function is introduced.